👨🏻‍💻 I'm a FullStack Web Developer.
👨🏻‍🎓 I have degree in Civil Engineering, Physics and Development Web Full-Stack at Trybe.
🏃🏻 I'm constantly on the move. Never accommodate!
💡 I'm passionate about solving problems and learning. Always open to new challenges and ready to face changes.
🌎 Know the four corners of the world is my dream.

📍From Campo Grande - MS 🇧🇷

React 5 years Expert

Javascript 5 years Expert

Typescript 4 years Advanced

Arquitetura SOLID | MVC | MSC | MODULAR 5 years Expert

PWA | PWA-Studio 4 years Advanced

GraphQL | RestFull 5 years Expert

Context API | Redux 5 years Expert

RTL | Jest 4 years Intermediate

NodeJS | RestFull - Express | GraphQL - Apollo Server 5 years Expert

Docker | Docker-Compose | Docker-Machine 4 years Advanced

MySQL | SQLite | Postgress | Redis | MongoDB 4 years Advanced

Deploy Heroku | AWS | DigitalOcean 4 years Advanced


Desenvolvedor Web Full Stack

Esx - Localiza linkedin.com

Apr 2022 to Present


Desenvolvedor Web Full-Stack

Icomm Group linkedin.com

Sep 2021 to Mar 2022Home Office

Consult & Development

Desenvolvedor Web Front-end

Sep 2020 to Sep 2021Home Office

Trybe trybe.com.br

Desenvolvimento Web Full Stack

Feb 2021 to Feb 2022

A Trybe é uma escola de desenvolvimento web que ensina a programar e a aprender. O programa conta com mais de 1.500 horas de aulas online e aborda introdução ao desenvolvimento de software, front-end, back-end, ciência da computação, engenharia de software, metodologias ágeis e habilidades comportamentais.

Uniderp uniderp.com.br

Engenharia Civil

Feb 2010 to Dec 2014


Details Skills: Javascript, Typescript, Componentes, Estados e Eventos, Componentes Controlados, Ciclo de Vida, Router, Jest, RTL, Redux , ContextAPI, Hooks, customHooks, PWA, GraphQL, Hasura


Javascript, Typescript, Rest, RestFull, GraphQL (Apollo-Server), JWT, Web Sockets, Arquitetura SOLID, MVC, MSC e MODULAR.

Banco de Dados

MongoDB, MySQL, Postgress, SQLite, Redis


AWS, DigitalOcean, Heroku

View Resume


Open Source Activity

Public Repos: 62
Pull Requests: 22
Contributed Repos: 2
Starred Repos: 0
Watched Repos: 48
Organizations: 0
Public Gists: 1