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Ubuntu Linux Server for Beginners
Ubuntu Linux Server for beginners
Start learning Linux Server Administration using Ubuntu Server. Practice system commands in easy steps for beginners.
Ubuntu Linux Server offers a free and convenient way to start learning the Linux operating system. The purpose of this course is to immerse you into the operating system, and with practical examples to help you understand the basics and feel comfortable while using the Ubuntu server and its command tools.
Lectures are easy to follow, and by simply opening the console and typing what you see will allow you to naturally connect otherwise diverse knowledge topics. You do not need an additional computer to load Linux to take this course, and I encourage you to practice in a virtual environment like the free downloadable VirtualBox. Its virtual nature will allow you to work and make changes to a sandboxed Linux Operating System and if you fail, you can reinstall the server system very easily.
All this makes it a great course for absolute beginners. I created the course to have a steady learning curve, but if you do not understand something, are encouraged to reach out and ask questions. Please don't be afraid to repeat the video in order to understand the techniques used.
During the course you will learn:
What is Linux, how to install Linux Server and Desktop and how to use VirtualBox. Then, by working from the command line or from a remote SSH console, we will dive into the system, and start working with files and packages(add, remove and manage) with the apt packet manager. Later, we'll look at how to prepare a remote access server using a Secure Shell (SSH).
You will also learn how to create a new user, provided with escalated sudo (root) rights, what are the file permissions and how they can be changed.
Then we will go into groups and how we can use them in practice by adding a user to a secondary group and later removing the user and the group. With practical example we will also change the ownership as well as the group membership of a file.
Additionally we will edit text files and system configurations using the "nano" editor and demonstrate when to use manual pages and when the --help system. You will also learn how to use wget to download from the Internet. At later stage we will install and set up a web server with nginx as well as an ftp server.
We will get deep into SystemD way of managing processes and services, in order to schedule right amount resources for them.
As a bonus there is a much-needed lecture, demonstrating how to run a web browser from the console.
and many others...
The course will meet your expectations if you are not familiar with Linux and would like to learn more through experimenting with the Ubuntu Server. It is also a great place to start if you want to expand your career opportunities.
I am sure that this course will give you the knowledge you need to feel comfortable with Linux at home or at work. Please feel free to message me whenever you have questions about the material of the lectures.
* All course lectures build upon the latest version of Ubuntu server 19.04.
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