Luke Texon

Research Engineer Intern @ Imagination Technologies


Imperial College London

Sep 2018 to Jun 2022

MEng Computing

On track for 1st class degree, Programming Grade: 84.61%, Overall Grade: 74.46%

Winstanley College

Sep 2016 to Jul 2018

Maths, Further Maths, Computing, Physics

5 A*s– Maths, Further Maths, Physics, Computer Science, Extended Project


Imagination Technologies

Jun 2020 to Present

Research Engineer Intern Kings Langley, England, United Kingdom

TNG Technology Consulting

Jul 2019 to Sep 2019

Software Engineer Intern Munich, Germany

Implemented a Python system for training and testing a table-football AI through reinforcement learning, simulated and assessed using Unity

  • Collaborated in a team of software consultants using Git (Bitbucket) and organised a Scrum board with user stories and 2-week sprints (Jira)
  • Modified existing training algorithms using the Tensorflow low-level API to allow for model retraining, model aggregation and parallelised training
  • Dockerised the program through MPI parallelisation to allow model training to be distributed across multiple cloud machines



A variation of the BSD operating system in x86 architecture with a monolithic kernel, written in C.

C, Git


Automated geographical data extractor and infographic generator.

HTML, Kotlin, Java, JavaScript, Python, CSS, Docker, React, Node

WACC Compiler

ANTLR-based compiler for converting programs in the statically-typed language WACC into ARM11 assembly, written in Kotlin

Kotlin, Git, Gradle, ANTLR, JUnit, React

ARM11 Project

An assembler and an emulator for ARM11 assembly instructions, written in C

C, Git


A web interface for compiling, executing and analysing WACC programs.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript


A real-time, multi-user website designed for CityHarvest's financial partners.

TypeScript, Node, Express, PostGraphile, React, GraphQL, PostgreSQL


A Unity simulation and game for demonstrating the the spread of disease and the effect of vaccines.

CSS, Objective-C, C#


Busy beaver Turing machine simulator, built using C# Windows Forms



PythonJavaCGitDockerBashC#SQLHaskellJetBrains IDEsReactHTMLCSSTypeScript


Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award The Duke of Edinburgh's Award

Apr 2018

Netcraft AQA A-Level Computing Award (Top 50 in UK) AQA, Netcraft

Aug 2016


Imperial College Union

Feb 2020 to Nov 2020

Filipino Society President


Mar 2017 to Apr 2018

Programming Tutor and Volunteer