Manuele Castro (@manuelecastro)
51 karma
Software Engineer Intern | Liferay
Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil
Software Developer
- Fixed security vulnerabilities and application bugs; - Participated in daily meetings, sprint retrospectives, plannings and reviews; - Followed the development flow based on Scrum and Kanban; - Utilized tools including Git, Slack, Jira, Java, JavaScript (React, Typescript), JSP, HTML, CSS, and SQL; - Worked with web application technologies such as SAML, OpenID Connect, OAuth, and SSO; - Resolved technical support tickets; - Conducted unit, integration, and functional tests; - Analyzed test results to ensure quality and security of applications.
In charge of analyzing and evaluating ads on the Instagram platform.
- Creation of graphic pieces to promote the event; - Creation of the event through the Doity platform; - Sending certificates to the participants of the event; - Editing of the livestreams done during the event; - Tools used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Google Sheets and Google Slides.
- Brand visual identity; - Publicity pieces for social networks; - Graphic pieces for the company's website; - Participation in the development of the company's website; - Tools used: Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.
Bachelor's Degree, Computer Science
Technologist, System Analysis
Escola de Programação Cel.Lep Tech
Course of introduction to website development focusing on backend. NodeJS was used as the main technology. In addition to it, basics of HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, SQL and Heroku were also taught. (32h)