API example

The API for Your Dev Portfolio

Remove the pain from manually updating your details in each separate location. Simply change the data once in your gitconnected profile and see the updates flow to your portfolio, resume, and accounts across the web by using a single API endpoint.

Sign up for your API:

Sign up

Built for developers, by developers

Your API tracks all the important information for your career and job hunt. The implementation uses an extended version of the open source JSON Resume schema. View the example schema below.

We ❤️ feedback. Submit a ticket here if you have any feature requests, bug reports, or recommendations. Join our Slack and be part of a developer community to support career growth.

Your API Endpoint

Display your projects, skills, work experience, education, blog posts, and more.


It's that simple.

Access your career details anywhere.

Sign up now to use your API: Sign up / Sign in
Portfolio example

Getting Started

  1. Sign up with 1 click using GitHub OAuth
  2. Add your details in your profile
  3. View your resume geneator /{username}/resume
  4. Access your API with your username /v1/portfolio/{username}

Portfolio Tutorial: If you need help building a portfolio, we created a tutorial to build a developer portfolio using React and the Portfolio API.

Generate a CV automatically with JSON Resume

By creating a gitconnected profile, you have access to our resume builder to automatically create a high-quality developer CV. However, if you're interested in using open source tools or want access to themes, your portfolio API is fully compatible with JSON Resume.

Combining the portfolio API with JSON Resume, you can utilize any of the community's templates. It is trivial to create a current CV anytime you need it.

Resume example
  1. Visit your portfolio API endpoint and grab the JSON response
  2. Create a GitHub Gist named resume.json and paste the API response
  3. Call the JSON Resume registry using your username - https://registry.jsonresume.org/{username}
  4. Optionally, use any of the JSON Resume themes by appending a query string ?theme={name}


GET https://gitconnected.com/v1/portfolio/richard-hendricks-demo
