Darlan Tódero ten Caten (@darlantc)
8 karma
Lead Front-End Developer at Shelter Buddy
Entrepreneur & Software Engineer
Shelter Buddy shelterbuddy.com
We are building a new pixel-perfect front-end web app from scratch to improve our user's experience. We have a collaborative culture, and we only deliver quality software covered by unit & integration tests.
Simply As simplyas.com
As a Software Engineer, I have developed all front end software of the startup using technologies like Javascript, React.js, Node.js, Flutter, Firebase, Python, and WordPress.
Datum TI - Digio digio.com
Senior iOS Developer outsourced in the Digio project, a fintech in Brazil.
i9 Soluções Digitais
Self-employed freelancer Front End Developer
Mentoring young people on how to become a Front End developer using technologies like HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Git, Github, and Visual Studio Code.
iOS Developer
Learned how to develop iOS apps with Objective C from scratch to publishing on App Store
Computer Science