Darlan Tódero ten Caten


Lead Front-End Developer at Shelter Buddy

12 years of experience

Portfolio: darlantc.com

Entrepreneur & Software Engineer

I love technology and have been working in this field since I was 14 years old. I found my passion as a software developer. I am self-taught and I love to try new programming languages and technologies to apply in my projects. As an entrepreneur, I am always looking for opportunities to work on great projects that positively impact people's lives. Also, I like to act as a mentor sharing knowledge to facilitate the path of those who are starting their career because I know how difficult is to overcome the first steps in this industry. I am an eternal apprentice, optimistic by nature. You will never find me doubting the future, let alone regretting the past.


Typescript 6 years ⋅ AdvancedReact 9 years ⋅ ExpertJavascript 11 years ⋅ ExpertSwift 8 years ⋅ AdvancedObjective C 5 years ⋅ AdvancedJSON 11 years ⋅ ExpertFlutter 6 years ⋅ AdvancedJest 5 years ⋅ AdvancedTesting Library 5 years ⋅ AdvancedCypress 4 years ⋅ AdvancedWordPress 12 years ⋅ Expert


Shelter Buddy  shelterbuddy.com

Apr 2021 to Present

Lead Front-End Developer Boston - MA - United States

We are building a new pixel-perfect front-end web app from scratch to improve our user's experience. We have a collaborative culture, and we only deliver quality software covered by unit & integration tests.

  • Typescript
  • React
  • GraphQL
  • Jest
  • Testing Library
  • Cypress
  • Git
  • MobX
  • Jira
  • Bitbucket
  • Confluence
  • Slack
  • Material UI

Simply As  simplyas.com

Nov 2016 to Jun 2022

Co-founder & Software Engineer Brasília - DF - Brazil

As a Software Engineer, I have developed all front end software of the startup using technologies like Javascript, React.js, Node.js, Flutter, Firebase, Python, and WordPress.

  • Typescript
  • Javascript
  • React.js
  • iOS
  • Swift
  • Flutter
  • Python
  • Testing
  • SQL
  • Xcode
  • Firebase
  • Git
  • Gitlab

Datum TI - Digio  digio.com

Oct 2020 to Apr 2021

Senior iOS Developer São Paulo - Brazil

Senior iOS Developer outsourced in the Digio project, a fintech in Brazil.

  • iOS
  • Swift
  • Git
  • Xcode
  • Testing
  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Bitbucket

i9 Soluções Digitais

Apr 2013 to Dec 2016

Front-End Developer São Paulo - Brazil

Self-employed freelancer Front End Developer

  • Javascript
  • WordPress
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Git
  • PHP
  • Swift
  • iOS
  • JSON
  • Firebase



HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Firebase, Testing Library, Jest, React, Material UI, MobX


App flutter demonstrando o uso das seguintes tecnologias: Firebase, MobX e Flutter Modular.

Dart, Kotlin, Ruby, Swift, Objective-C


Criando componentes React com TDD

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jest, React, Testing Library


Quaddro Treinamentos

Jun 2012 to Oct 2012

iOS Developer

Learned how to develop iOS apps with Objective C from scratch to publishing on App Store

UNOPAR - Universidade Norte do Paraná

Feb 2006 to Nov 2010

Computer Science


Mais1Code  mais1code.com.br

Oct 2020


Mentoring young people on how to become a Front End developer using technologies like HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Git, Github, and Visual Studio Code.


A Podcast talk about my career

404 Sem Rota
May 2022


English Advanced - C2 ProficientPortuguese Native