
Starbucks in Eastern North Carolina


5 years of experience






Flatiron School

Aug 2019 to Feb 2020

Software Engineering

Software engineering bootcamp that taught me Ruby, Sinatra MVC, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, React and Redux.

University of Mount Olive

Aug 2012 to May 2016

Bachelor of Science, Religion and Criminal Justice


Favorite Fonts

I built this project as part of the Chingu Explorer Program to sharpen my skills with VanillaJS. This project is now part of my Portfolio and will be shown to future interviewers and I continue the job search.

javascript, scss

Fontaweseome Rails Template

A Rails template to add fontawesome using webpacker in Rails 6. The template is now part of the Railsbyte repository.

Note App

Note App allows users to create an account, then the user can create notes to edit, delete, and update as they see fit, via a user dashboard in which they can manage a list of personal notes. This was originally part of a coding challenge

ruby, javascript, Rails, Bootstrap

Rails Congress App

This is a Fullstack Ruby on Rails project using TailwindCSS and StimulusJS. The application utilizes the ProPublica Congress API to provide information about the US Congress.

Ruby, JavaScript, Rails, Tailwind, StimulusJS

HTML Random Quotes

A short project using basic HTML, Vanilla JS, to access an open API to display random quotes. I also used SCSS compiled by Parcel.

api, html, javascricpt

React ParcelJS Boilerplate

This is a Boilerplate project to spin up new React projects. It gives creater flexibility than the standard Create React App, and smaller bundle sizes than Webpack.

JavaScript, ParcelJS, React

React Movie Browser

This application is a research site for Movies past and present, to provide the user with tools to be informed in their entertainment choices. A React revamp of the Rails project I did a few months ago.

React, Bootstrap, Redux, Rails

Survey App

A JavaScript Single Page App (SPA) frontend, built on a Ruby on Rails API backend. The inteface allows users to create, delete, and participate in Surveys. The surveys results are tabulated and displayed for the user.

Ruby, SCSS, Gulp, Rails, JavaScript

Rails Movie Browser App

The Movie Browser is an application where users can research movies to watch. They have the opportunity to create a user account, and create a watch list that they can maintain. Designed a user account system secured with the Devise gem and GitHub 0Auth. Utilized The Movie Database API(TMDb) to connect and fetch data to populate based on the user’s request.

Devise Auth, Rails, TailwindCSS, Ruby, Devise OAuth, TailwindCSS, Movie API

Sinatra TODO App

This is a programming attempt at am obligatory ToDo App. Is your life busy? Do you have too much to do (no pun intended)? It can sometimes simply come down to organization.

Sinatra, Ruby, Bootstrap

React Clothing Store

A React e-commerce side-project which so far utilizes React, Redux, Firebase, Memoization with reselect, Stripe API, and deployed with the Heroku CLI.

javascript, heroku, React, Redux,


Leadership Fellows Methodist Church

Jan 2017

Selected as one of ten clergy out of 800 churches to attend the Leadership Fellows program, learning about leadership, changes, and collaboration.