A Fullstack developer with over fifteen years experience in frontend design platforms, a passion for learning, and a desire to partner with companies with a passion to build nurturing communities.


React 6 years Intermediate

Gatsby 6 years Intermediate

HTML 29 years Expert

CSS/SCSS 9 years Advanced

JavaScript 6 years Intermediate

Ruby/Rails 5 years Intermediate

Vuejs 6 years Intermediate


Flatiron School

Software Engineering

Aug 2019 to Feb 2020

Software engineering bootcamp that taught me Ruby, Sinatra MVC, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, React and Redux.

University of Mount Olive

Bachelor of Science, Religion and Criminal Justice

Aug 2012 to May 2016

Leadership Fellows

Methodist Church

Jan 2017

Selected as one of ten clergy out of 800 churches to attend the Leadership Fellows program, learning about leadership, changes, and collaboration.

View Resume


Open Source Activity

Public Repos: 620
Pull Requests: 464
Contributed Repos: 24
Starred Repos: 667
Watched Repos: 168
Organizations: 0
Public Gists: 28