Learn JavaScript - Tutorials, Courses, and Books
Learn JavaScript for free. Find JavaScript tutorials submitted by developers with the best content rising to the top, voted on by the programmers that use them. Learn JavaScript online with the best JavaScript tutorials and courses.
Learn JavaScript for free. Find JavaScript tutorials submitted by developers with the best content rising to the top, voted on by the programmers that use them. Learn JavaScript online with the best JavaScript tutorials and courses.

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What is JavaScript
JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world - it can be found everywhere. JavaScript is a dynamic, object-oriented language and also offers powerful functional programming paradigms. It is the backbone of modern web development and can be found in every browser. The three core technologies for building websites are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. User interfaces (UI) are built using JavaScript by systematically updating the DOM which adds interactivity to a web page. NodeJS introduced the ability to also run JavaScript on the server to create APIs and microservices, enabling developers to build full-stack applications using a single programming language with JS.
Why learn JavaScript
JavaScript is a simple but incredibly powerful programming language. Learning JavaScript opens up unlimited possibilities for a career in software engineering because any company with a web application will need JavaScript developers. With knowledge of JavaScript, you can build websites, mobile applications, games, desktop applications, chatbots, and more. Because of its universal applications, expressive syntax, and beginner friendly paradigms, JavaScript is an essential programming language for anyone who wants to be a web developer.
Before learning JavaScript
JavaScript is known to be one of the best programming languages for beginners. Many people who switch to a career as a professional software engineer start with JavaScript. You can begin learning JavaScript with no prior programming knowledge. If you are interested in frontend development, it can also help to have knowledge of HTML and CSS. Learning any programming language can be challenging, but using the beginner tutorials is a great for anyone to get started with JavaScript.
How gitconnected help you learn JavaScript and find the best tutorials
gitconnected offers a huge selection of JavaScript tutorials, from beginner to advanced. We have courses for any learning style - you can follow along with interactive programming such as freeCodeCamp or Codemy, learn JavaScript from videos, or find books and articles teaching JS. gitconnected enables you find the best free JavaScript tutorials or to discover paid courses. JavaScript tutorials are submitted and ranked by developers, ensuring you are always learning from the best JS content. JavaScript evolves quickly, and the gitconnected tutorials give you the ability to understand ES5, ES6, and any ESNext. Follow all the JavaScript updates using the news feed on the gitconnected.com home page.
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