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React Front To Back
React Front To Back
Learn & Master React With The Context API + Redux & Build a Real World Project With Firebase/Firestore
In this course you will learn to master React 16.3+ concepts including the new Context API as well as Redux. We will target certain concepts while progressively building real applications. Whether you have never touched React or have been working with it for a while and want to learn more and build some cool stuff, this course is for you. The final project will be a React/Redux client management panel which uses Firebase for authentication and Firestore for storing data.
Here are some of the things you will learn in this course:
What is React?
Dev Environment Setup
ES6+ Concepts - Classes, Arrow Functions, destructuring, async/await
Class Based & Functional Components
JSX Syntax & Expressions
Component Props
Managing Component Level State
Context API For App Level State
Component Lifecycle
HTTP Requests
Redux Store Setup
Redux Reducers & Actions
Redux Firebase/Firestore Integration
Review the Tutorial