Learn React - Tutorials, Courses, and Books
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Learn React for free. Find React tutorials submitted by developers with the best content rising to the top, voted on by the programmers that use them. Learn React online with the best React tutorials and courses.

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What is React
React is a modern JavaScript library used by frontend web developers to build user interfaces (UI). It is used for single-page applications (SPA) or mobile applications. React takes the philosophy to do one thing very well, and it only handles the view layer of a web application. In addition, it challenges developers to think of the UI as a pure function of the application’s state using a declarative programming syntax based on components. React also introduced the concepts of the virtual DOM, JSX syntax, lifecycle methods, stateful components, and unidirectional data flow patterns through flux. React was introduced by Facebook in 2013 and has exploded in popularity since, becoming the most popular UI library.
Why learn React
React has become the most popular library to build scalable UI’s and has been adopted by countless startups and tech giants. React offers an unbeatable developer experience and is widely loved by software engineers. The code bases remain manageable regardless of the size of the app - for example, Facebook claims to have over 30,000 components. The React architecture also leads to performant and scalable interfaces, being faster than nearly all competitors. The success and adoption of React has created many job openings for developers, and learning React by following tutorials can lead to numerous career opportunities.
Before learning React
React is built using JavaScript and generates HTML user interfaces. Having a solid grasp of JavaScript and the JS browser API is very beneficial before learning React. In addition, every UI needs to be styled, so understanding CSS is also essential. With a foundation in the core web technologies of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, you are ready to learn React, begin building projects, and utilizing React tutorials.
How gitconnected help you learn React and find the best tutorials
gitconnected offers a huge selection of React tutorials, from beginner to advanced. We have courses for any learning style - you can follow along with interactive programming courses, learn React from videos, or find books and articles teaching ReactJS. gitconnected enables you find the best free React tutorials or to discover paid courses. React tutorials are submitted and ranked by developers, ensuring you are always learning from the best React content. React evolves quickly, and the gitconnected tutorials give you the ability to grow with the community. Follow all the React updates using the news feed on the gitconnected.com home page.
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